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actsofpostvandalism 2023

Group exhibition with 9 European artists of the genre Postvandalism.

Post-vandalism is the most innovative direction of street art and has been developing into an independent branch of abstract art for several years.
The examination of the roots of style writing, the sometimes brutal, sometimes prudent handling of its basic elements, leads in its extremes to minimalist or expressive pictorial works.

In this group exhibition, current positions of the genre are to be summarised and made accessible to a broader public.

Opening with programme Friday
02.06.2023 20-00 hrs

Opening hours
Saturday / Sunday 13-18 h


02 - 18 Jun 2023


08:00 - 18:00

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Halle Werft77
Reisholzer Werftstraße 77, 40589 Düsseldorf

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