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Home Events - URBANPRESENTS Exhibition Germany VANDALS – Daughters and Sons of Street Art

VANDALS – Daughters and Sons of Street Art

“VANDALS – Daughters & Sons of Street Art” gives an insight into the current street art movement with more than 20 artists. Works that powerfully and provocatively stand up to commercial advertising, provide enchantment in desolate no-man’s land and express themselves with adequate messages in social hotspots.

Works of street art are ephemeral and disappear again within a very short time, are painted over or removed by the authorities. Commissioned works of street art usually remain in public space for a longer period of time. As cultural assets worthy of protection, they are sometimes elaborately restored and protected under Plexiglas from further overpaintings.

Graffiti already played a very important role in ancient cultures. Graffiti has been discovered many times on monuments in ancient Egypt. The 5600 graffiti found so far, which have been preserved on the ruins of Pompeii, are considered important evidence of everyday Roman life. Are we experiencing a cultural-historical continuity with the current street art movement?
We will show many a masterpiece in the original, as well as many brand new works by established street artists!

Participating artists:
Akte One, Adultremix, Bananensprayer, BANKSY, Blek le Rat, Cren, D*Face, Dr. Molrok, El Bocho, EMESS, fraujule*, Gera1, innerfields, Jim Avignon, JPS, KoeOne, L.E.T., Liz_Art_Berlin, M:M, Otto Schade, Parisurteil, PZY, SNYDER, Strassenmaid, Sweetsnini, The Postman, ZONENKINDER.

Wed, Thu, Fri 2pm-6pm
Sat, Sun, public holidays 12.00 -18.00 hrs

CITY GALLERY Mennonite Church
Schlossstraße 2, 56564 Neuwied, Germany
TEL 02631/20687


04 May 2023 - 03 Sep 2023


14:00 - 18:00


STADTGALERIE Mennonitenkirche
STADTGALERIE Mennonitenkirche, Schlossstraße, Neuwied

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