Bunker graffiti – Batterie de Zuydcoote, France
When you walk along the coast in northern France, it is not uncommon to walk past old German bunkers from the 2nd World War. Especially between Dunkerque and Bray-Dunes, because there is the “Batterie de Zuydcoote”. This area does not only consist of bunkers from the Second World War but also of barracks with casemates. These were already built in 1870.
Since the entire complex is freely accessible, many graffiti artists – who come from all over Europe – let off steam here and bring the grey and desolate concrete back to life. On a grey background in the landscape of sandy beaches and dunes, the styles and figurative motifs stand out especially poetical.
Anonyme’s art project is particularly striking: in 2014 he began to completely mirror a bunker.
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