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Urban Art Gallery Francis Noël in Liège

, by Bart Van Kersavond

The exhibitions of the Urban Art Galerie Francis Noël in Liège attracted my attention via Facebook: besides Kouka (Jardin Rouge Resident), they showcased the Berlin artists AKTE and CREN.

The Francis Noël gallery, which specializes in urban and contemporary art, opened a new space in Liège, a city that is in full swing from a cultural and artistic point of view. In the heart of the Guillemins district, Espace 75 offers a rich programme of thematic exhibitions.
At the end of December 2018, the photographic exhibition “NATURELLES – URBEX” showed works by the photographers Marc de Wergifosse and Jean-Luc Jonlet, both from Liège.

The Liège-based photographer Jean-Luc JONLET illuminates an often fleeting and relatively unknown legacy of the Cité Ardente. The spontaneous forms of expression of Urban Art are rich in artistic quality and offer a reflection on today’s society. When JONLET experiences emotions, he tries to capture them through the viewfinder of his camera in order to share and communicate them.
The works of the artist Marc de WERGIFOSSE deal with the fragile or unyielding, perfect woman, sometimes in a chaotic environment.

Bart Van Kersavond

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