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“Discover Street Art in Marrakesh” – Exhibition REH, Berlin

, by Bart Van Kersavond

In his photos, Bart van Kersavond has been documenting the early stages and development of street art in Marrakech since 2007. He captures a range of different facets of works that can be seen in Marrakech, from the foundations of the local street art scene and festivals, including the “MB6Street ART” festival, to murals by ultra football fans, works by international artists, and the artist’s residence “Jardin Rouge”. In searching for works, he not only visits local galleries, but also takes excursions through rough terrain, including dry river beds and desert landscapes. He thus offers visitors a very multifaceted impression of the street art scene in Marrakech.

As part of the exhibition, there will be a live painting session on September 11th. The Berlin artist Feliz Art will present his calligraphic style, which he developed during an artist residency in Dar Slimane, Marrakech.

REH Raumerweiterungshalle – Kopenhagener Str. 17 / 10437 Berlin
Exhibition dates:
September 5, 2018 to September 12, 2018
Daily from 4:00-6:00 pm or by arrangement:

September 11, 2018 7:00-9:00 pm
Live painting / calligraphy with Feliz Art

This exhibition is part of the URBAN ART WEEK Berlin 2018

Bart Van Kersavond

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