russian barracks in bernau
in bernau – in the north of berlin – there are a couple of old russian barracks that have been standing empty for over 20 years.
in one area of this vast compound, there are 4 buildings which have been completely plundered. only a few decorations show that the red army used to live here. you can wander from room to room for hours here and marvel at all the remnants, such as disintegrating old russian newspapers, documents, photos, european maps, etc. as the compound is large and quiet, there are also some artworks on the walls in some of the rooms.
I met a couple of airsoft players on the grounds. they told me that before the russian army departed, they sealed and filled in the on-site bunker, so it can no longer be accessed. this area will not be open for legal use for a long time yet (e.g. for open-air parties, airsoft/paintball or even renovation), as many of the soviet military facilities were abandoned in a contaminated state (see article). so it has merely been left fallow, and nature has slowly but surely begun to reclaim its dominion.
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